
Thierry van Ryswyck (1911-1958)

Van Ryswyck studied at the Antwerp Academy and trained as a sculptor and ceramist, before becoming a successful animal sculptor. He was a regular visitor to Antwerp Zoo, observing the animals in their daily behavior. Of all the residents, the felines particularly attracted his attention. The power of their muscles, the delicacy of their movements and the nuances of their fur never cease to amaze him. Albéric Collin and Raymond de Meester de Betzenbroeck were among his friends. Many of his early animal sculptures show a stylistic affiliation with their work. Deciding to gain recognition, he moved to Paris in 1935, where he met several animal sculptors and discovered the Jardin des Plantes. In France, he regularly participated in exhibitions. After the Second World War, he continued to live and work in France, and in 1954, he successfully exhibited his works in the jet-set milieu of Monte Carlo. Most of his works depict exotic animals, mainly mammals, which he always strives to present in elegant poses. Parallels with the work of Irénée Rochard and Marcel Sandoz can be observed. Van Ryswyck died in a car accident in the south of France in 1958.

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